
As maintainers of these pages, we are very interested in this field of community-based navigation, and hope that by maintaining a repository of pointers to the work of others and our work these ideas will become part of the standard repertoire for navigation in distributed digital media.


Will Hill is a Member of the Technical Staff in the Computer Graphics and Interactive Media Group at Bellcore where he conducts research on task-specific visualization techniques including history-enriched digital objects, notational systems, and text-ornamentation. His special interest is in how representational systems engender and organize interaction among their users. Previous to his tenure at Bellcore, he spent five years as a senior member of the technical staff at MCC in Austin, Texas, where he was part of the team which designed and implemented the Human Interface Took Kit (HITS). In that effort, he lead research on intelligent interface agents.

Mark Rosenstein is a Member of the Technical Staff in the Computer Graphics and Interactive Media Research Group at Bellcore. His research interests include computer human interaction, task analysis, and issues in building computational tools for understanding complex systems. Prior to coming to Bellcore, Mark was a principle designer and system architect of the Icon Editor, a part of the Human Interface Tool Suite, a project of the Human Interface Laboratory of MCC. When not out in the net, Mark sails.

Larry Stead is a Member of the Technical Staff in the Computer Graphics and Interactive Media Group at Bellcore. His research interests include computer graphics and animation, user interfaces, and software environments. Prior to his arrival at Bellcore, Larry managed the Symbolics Animation Group. As a consultant he worked on numerous animation projects, including two SIGGRAPH Electronic film theatre animations.


Hill, W.C., Hollan, J., History-enriched Digital Objects: Prototypes and Policies, in The Information Society, 10, 1994, pp. 139-145.

Hill, W.C., Hollan, J., History-Enriched Digital Objects, ACM Third Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy, San Francisco, March 9-12, 1993, 917-20.

Hill, W. C., Hollan, J., Wroblewski, D., McCandless, T., Edit Wear and Read Wear: Their Theory and Generalizations, Proceedings of the 1992 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, April 1992, ACM Press, Monterery, California, pp 3-8.

Wroblewski, D., McCandless, T., and Hill, W. Advertisements, Proxies, and Wear: Three Methods for Feedback in Interactive Systems, in Dialogue and Instruction, Beun, R.J., Baker, M., and Reiner, M. editors. Springer-Verlag (forthcoming 1994).

Copyright 1994 Bell Communications Research